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Marriage Ashtakoota Analysis

Function Use For

This Web-Service will be used to Get Checking for Marriage-Compatibility- As par Ashta Koota Agreement a detailed analysis of each and every Koota Agreement.

Get /webastro/webapi/Ashtakoota_Matching/AshtakootaResult
Response Data

[{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Varna-Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy belongs to Vipra Varna, and the girl belongs to the Vaishya Varna. Since the boy's Varna belongs to the higher group, it is favourable and marriage-compatibility on this count is present. On this count, contribution to the Koota-agreement score will be = 1 point (Out of 1)."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Vashya-Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy's Vashya belongs to the Jalachara group, while the girl's Vashya belongs to the very same group. This is highly favourable. As such, marriage-compatibility on this count is fully present. On this count, contribution to the Koota-agreement score will be = 2 points (Out of 2)."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Tara-Koota Agreement","predictions":"By counting nakshatras from the girl's janma-nakshatra to the boy's janma-nakshatra, we obtain the figure 5; upon dividing by 9, it yields a remainder 5, which is not favourable. By counting nakshatras from the boy's janma-nakshatra to the girl's janma-nakshatra, we obtain the figure 24; upon dividing by 9, it yields a remainder 6, which is not favourable. As such, marriage-compatibilty on account of Dina-Koota is partially present in the chart. On this count, contribution to the Koota-agreement score will be = 1'5 points (Out of 3)."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Yoni-Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy's nakshatra falls in the category of Cow(F), while the girl's nakshatra falls in the category of Monkey(F). As per Yoni-koota agreement, for this combination, a contributory score of 2 is obtained on this account."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Graha-Maitri Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy's janma-rashi adhipati is Jupiter and the girl's janma-rashi adhipati is Saturn.These two adhipati planets are mutually neutral (sama) to each other as per naisargika relationship. This is a fairly favourable combination, as this particular koota indicates the psychological dispositions of the couple; the mental qualities of the pair will be quite harmonious, and they will have adequate concern for each other -- which is important for a fairly happy married life. On this account, the contribution to the Koota-agreement score will be = 3.0 (Out of 5)."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Gana-Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy's nakshatra falls in the Nara-gana group, while the girl's nakshatra falls in the Deva group. The girl belongs to the higher or nobler group, this is a favourable combination (although the other way round could have been better), as gana signifies the individual's temperament and inclinations. The girl will possess a matured outlook, possess some very desirable qualities and have a patient nature, while the boy may have some common human failings. On this count, the contribution to the Koota-agreement score will be = 5 (Out of 6)."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Rashi-Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy's janma-rashi is Pisces, and the girl's janma-rashi Capricorn. The Rashi Koota-agreement contribution score is 7."},{"heading":"Checking for the presence of Nadi-Koota Agreement","predictions":"The boy's Nadi falls in Madhya(Pitta) category, while the girl's Nadi falls in category ANtha(Shleshma) As the Nadis of the boy and the girl does not belong to the same category, the indications are favourable. Marriage between the two parties can be recommended -- provided the total of Koota-agreement score does not become less than 18 points. The contributory score on this account is = 8"}]

params datatype description
First Name varchar(50) provide a valid string for First Name
Middle Name varchar(50) provide a valid string for Middle Name
Last Name varchar(50) provide a valid string for Last Name
Nick Name varchar(50) provide a valid string for Nick Name
dateOfBirth varchar(10) should be in string dd:MM:yyyy format

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