This Web-Service will be used to Get Other Important Marriage Factors especially used by learned astrologers like - Naadi pad koot, Mahendra koot, Stree dirgh koot, Rajju koot, Vedh koot, Common Janma Rashi, Common Janma Namkshatra, Common Janma Namkshatra pada
Method Id | Method | Full Url |
56 | Get | /webastro/webapi/Ashtakoota_Matching/OtherConsiderations |
[{"name":"Naadi pad koot","description":"Since Nadi Koota Agreement is present in the prospective couples' charts, considering Nadi-Pada Agreement is not necessary."},{"name":"Mahendra koot","description":"Mahendra Koota Agreement is not present in the prospective couples' charts."},{"name":"Stree dirgh koot","description":"Stree-Deergha Koota Agreement is not present in the prospective couples' charts. But since Rashi-Koota and Graha-Maitri Koota Agreements are present, the absence of Stree-Deergha Koota can be ignored."},{"name":"Rajju koot","description":"Rajju Koota Agreement is present in the prospective couples' charts. They would remain free from worries and will enjoy alround happiness."},{"name":"Vedh koot","description":"Since the boy's Moon's nakshatra and the girl's Moon's nakshatra are not in mutual vedha relationship, they will understand each other perfectly well and temperamental clashes or emotional outbursts are far less likely to happen."},{"name":"Same Birth Rashi(Sign)","description":"The boy's Moon and the girl's Moon fall in different Rashis. So, the case of common Janma Rashi does not arise."},{"name":"Birth Namkshatra ","description":"The boy's and the girl's Moon do not fall in the same Nakshatra."},{"name":"Same birth Namkshatra pada","description":"Since the boy's and the girl's Moon do not fall in the same Nakshatra, the question of same Nakshatra-Pada does not arise. As such, marriage can be approved."}]
params | datatype | description |
name | varchar(50) | provide a valid string for name |
dateOfBirth | varchar(10) | should be in string dd:MM:yyyy format |
timeOfBirth | varchar(10) | should be in 24 hour formate HH:mm:ss |
place | varchar(120) | should not be empty |
longitude | varchar(10) | formate should be'084:10:00' |
latitude | varchar(10) | formate should be'084:10:00' |
longitudeDenoter | varchar(10) | field value should be E or W |
latitudeDenoter | varchar(10) | field value should N or S |
gmtDiff | varchar(10) | currect formate is '+05 H 30 M' |
varTimeCorrection | varchar(10) | currect formate is '+01:00' |
houseCusp | varchar(10) | value should be 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 |
ayanamsha | varchar(10) | value should be 1,2, or 3 |
sex | varchar(10) | value should be M or F |
language | varchar(10) | value shoul be english or hindi only |
chartStyle | varchar(500) | value should be |
rahuKetuPosition | boolean | true |