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Lal-Kitab Grammer - Horoscope of Blind Planets

Function Use For

This Web-Service will be used to Get a very important calculation of Lal-Kitab Grammer Horoscope of Blind Planets.

Method Id Method Full Url
62 Get /webastro/webapi/Blind_Planets/Blind_Horoscope_Planets
Response Data

[{"heading":"Horoscope of Blind Planets","defination":"According to Lal Kitab, if in any Kundali, two enemy planets sit together in the 10th house, then this kind of Kundali is known as the Kundali of the blind planets. 10th house in the kundali is the place of work for this person, and is also related to his earnings, therefore, if two or more enemy planets are situated together in this house then it creates an imbalance in the work area of this person. There isn' complete stability in the service or business of this person. As a remedy to rectiy the blind planets Situated in the 10th house, this person should feed 10 blind people.","Conclusion":"Your kundali is not the kundali of blind planets."}]

params datatype description
name varchar(50) provide a valid string for name
dateOfBirth varchar(10) should be in string dd:MM:yyyy format
timeOfBirth varchar(10) should be in 24 hour formate HH:mm:ss
place varchar(120) should not be empty
longitude varchar(10) formate should be'084:10:00'
latitude varchar(10) formate should be'084:10:00'
longitudeDenoter varchar(10) field value should be E or W
latitudeDenoter varchar(10) field value should N or S
gmtDiff varchar(10) currect formate is '+05 H 30 M'
varTimeCorrection varchar(10) currect formate is '+01:00'
houseCusp varchar(10) value should be 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
ayanamsha varchar(10) value should be 1,2, or 3
sex varchar(10) value should be M or F
language varchar(10) value shoul be english or hindi only
chartStyle varchar(500) value should be
rahuKetuPosition boolean true

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